by Kunal Mehta

The upcoming 2020 US Presidential elections in November will see #socialmedia play a key role, as has been seen in the previous elections of USA, India and other countries.

Parties and candidates will try to use all possible ways to influence, inform and persuade voters to vote for them.

Social media networks have been under the radar for creating echo chambers, using bots, spreading fake news and many such negative views and films like The Social Dilemma on #Netflix are bringing such issues to the forefront of more and more people.

In such a scenario, it becomes important for these tech giants to improve their brand perception.

Towards that effort, Facebook has come up with a new film, along with the ad agency Droga5 where they introduce their new page Voting Information Center, to show how social media can play a positive key role in educating people, making them aware and helping them to vote in a safe and proper way.

Although, one film will not be enough to shake off the negative baggage that has got associated with them, but it is a good start to show the power of social media, if used correctly.

I really liked the way the film has been made – the visuals, the music, the scenarios.

Voting Information Center


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